Re: Imagemaps problem - need help

John Labovitz ([email protected])
Sat, 12 Nov 94 10:24:36 -0800

[email protected]:
> <A HREF="">
> <IMG SRC="/path/to/gif/map.gif" ISMAP></A>.

this should be:

<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="/path/to/gif/map.gif" ISMAP></A>.

(`alias' being the left-hand part of the specific
line in your `imagemap.conf' file that points to

the server (at least, the ncsa httpd server) doesn't
know about imagemaps internally, so it doesn't call
the imagemap program automatically. by setting the
ISMAP attribute in your <IMG> tag, you're telling
the *client* to send coordinates along with the URL
request in the <A> tag. the server receives this as

GET /cgi-bin/imagemap/alias?x,y

and does as it's told -- runs the `imagemap' program
in the `cgi-bin' directory. the server gives the
imagemap program the $PATH_INFO of `alias' and the
$QUERY_STRING of `x,y'. imagemap looks up `alias'
in its config file, opens the appropriate map file
and does the coordinate-to-URL conversion.

you are in a maze of twisty little passages,
all alike. ;-)

John Labovitz
Global Network Navigator <>
O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol, California, USA (+1 707 829 0515)